Friday, June 24, 2016

Planning Ahead

I disclosed my current 21 Day Fix Extreme results. I'm not at all disappointed nor unhappy with these results & I know that the 21dfx works. However, because of these results- the fact that I'd broken 2 of my milestones during my rounds of 21dfx and am in a comfy spot- I don't want to settle.

I have had multiple compliments and I get told "you look great" from different people. Not to toot my own horn, but I don't disagree with these folks who tell me this; I do realize I look pretty good. Not to fish for compliments, but I want more. I know I look good and that there are many who have actually said "I'd kill to have your body." That being said, I still know that I can achieve more and I can go further in order to be the best version of myself. In fact, I have been in a better place before than I am currently so I know it's achievable. Furthermore, I know it's achievable for myself without going "too far" or looking "too skinny."

Sooo yeah. I'm aiming for this even better version of myself that I know is possible. After being successful with the 21dfx and breaking 2 milestones, I have currently hit a small plateau. I'm not getting discouraged because this is normal- not only with this, but with fitness & diet in general. No matter what program you're using, you have to change it up every once in awhile (even if it's small changes) in order to keep making progress and not plateau out.

With that said, I'm super stoked to start a new program on Monday, 6/27. It's still a Beachbody program but a newer one that came out this past winter, called The Master's Hammer and Chisel. Not only will I be working with Autumn Calabrese again (the creator and trainer of both 21df & 21dfx), but she teams up with another BB trainer- Sagi Kalev who was the creator of the BB program called "Body Beast." This program is a full 60 days of SSP (stability, strength & power) training- still with at-home DVDs, and a meal plan very similar to the 21dfx eating I'm already used to.

Before the 21dfx, I was used to being in the gym everyday mostly weight training. The 21dfx does still challenge me and it uses small dumbbells (5-10lbs; I mostly used the 10lbs). However, these DBs- other than upper body stuff like in upper fix extreme & dirty 30 extreme- are mostly used for resistance and to get your heart rate up since many of the workouts are HIIT-like. I therefore obviously miss the gym sometimes in regards to the weight training aspect of fitness. That's also partly why I chose this program in deciding to "change it up." It'll still be comprised of at-home workouts using different DBs but more varying levels of DBs. It also calls for a bench OR stability ball and a pullup bar OR door attachment to use with resistance bands for the same effect. Therefore, it'll focus more on the weightlifting aspect I miss- more functional/complex movements using the DBs.

The only thing different with the eating side of it versus the 21dfx is that instead of only aiming towards a goal of shedding/leaning out, you can personalize this meal plan depending on whether your goal is to shred/lean out, to build muscle, or even just to maintain. The program comes with a meal guide which includes a quiz to help you figure out your personalization and mine is for leaning out. I've created the following plan based on my meal plan for this program which uses the same color-coded containers.

Meal 1 (Breakfast)111
Meal 2 (mid-morning snack)1
Meal 3 (Lunch)1.511
Meal 4 (Afternoon Snack)111
Meal 5 (Dinner)1.5 2    
Meal 1 (Breakfast): Steel-cut Oatmeal w/ Almond Butter & 1/2 banana  
Meal 2 (mid-morning snack): Rice cake  
Meal 3 (Lunch): Tuna Muffins (3) & baked zucchini
Meal 4 (Afternoon Snack): Shakeo with PB2 & 1/2 banana
Meal 5 (Dinner): Refer to dinner menu

This came from a spreadsheet I created for myself to make weekly meal planning easy (why didn't I think of that before?! Lol). As a reminder: Green is for veggies, Purple is for fruits, Red is meat/protein, Yellow is [complex] carbs, blue is [healthy] fats, orange is oil/dressings/seeds, and I chose gray for the teaspoons. My lunch for this week is actually a new recipe I found so I'm excited to try it out =)

Stay Tuned!

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