Monday: Chisel Balance.
This 40-minute workout is ran by Autumn- the "chisel" in this program and therefore all Chisel workouts are ran by her. She's the famous creator of the 21 day fix & 21 df extreme. ANYWAY, so seeing the word "balance," I was thinking this was going to be a yoga-ish workout or something similar with some kind of zen background music. HA- oh I was totally wrong. This 40 minutes is spent doing strength moves that require your balance- which also means they all incorporate working your core. Examples include weighted pistol squats, single leg squats, etc. Definitely lots of leg work; both my core and hamstrings/booty were sore the next day which is a good thing! Not only since those are my top 2 focus areas, but because soreness means I know the workout & myself are working.
Tuesday: Hammer Plyometrics.
This workout- as with all of the "hammer" workouts in this program- is lead by Sagi Kalev who's the creator of the BB program Body Beast. I was used to the plyo workout from 21dfx so was ready but still a bit anxious/nervous for this Hammer Plyo workout- especially with the looks of Sagi. I tried to look at the positive side going into it- that at least it's shorter than the plyo workout I'm used to + one of the shortest workouts period in this whole program. This 25 minutes was definitely challenging and although I wouldn't say it was harder than the 21dfx plyo fix extreme workout, I do like it just as much if not more. I like the incorporation of weights/their functional movement in this workout. OH and I have to say Sagi is quite entertaining- his random 1-liners will get ya. "You need to puke? Get a bucket."
Wednesday: Iso Strength Chisel.
"Iso" is short for isolation (isolating the focused muscle). During this 34-minute strength workout, Autumn has you do various weighted strength moves for a certain amount of reps, followed by an isometric hold in that position.
Thursday: Off day.
Friday: Iso Speed Hammer.
Here's that "Iso" again. But Sagi incorporates it a bit different. For 23 minutes, you'll be doing various moves- first with slow reps for a 3-second count each to isolate the muscles you're working and once the last slow rep is done, you do the same move but for 10 quick reps. It gets that muscle "pump" going from the volume but I liked how quick the workout was.
Saturday: Chisel Endurance.
For 36 minutes, Autumn takes you through various strength exercises- repeating each round. This workout is designed to build your muscle endurance.
Sunday: Total Body Hammer + 10Min Ab Hammer.
Alriiigghhttt. I'm guilty. With it being a holiday weekend/my husband & I being UBER busy, I wasn't able to get this 53-ish minute (43 for TBH + 10min abs) workout in. I will not completely skip it, though! I plan to actually do this on Thursday this week instead of taking the off-day. That way I'll get it in and will still be caught up/on track with the 60-day schedule.
After the 1st week, I have to say so far so good. This seems to be a great investment and I really enjoyed the workouts so far. I'm excited to see where this program takes me! I'd like to stick to the schedule BUT I prefer having my off-day on the weekend versus on Thursdays since that's more realistic for me anyway. So after this week and making up Sunday's workout this off day, I think I'll start moving Friday's workout to Thursdays to move one or 2 weekend workouts up a day ahead in order for my off-day to fall on the weekend. .if that makes sense.
I'll continue keeping yall updated throughout this program, so stay tuned! Progress check-ins for this are at the 30-day halfway mark then the ending 60-day mark so I'm anxiously waiting to see/compare where I'm at on the 27th of this month!